Carnet not longer available?


I am new to NextCloud. And wanted to try out Carnet. Android-App is installed, but the NextCloud App seems not longer available? Download section is empty ?

Will it come back? Or does someone know the reason why it is not longer available?

Thank you for feedback!

There were a few changes recently. Perhaps the version from github is working:

Just copy everything to your apps folder. The folder name must be the same like the app name.

Thank you for your quick answer. I make my first steps with a NextCloud hoster. So I don´t have full control… then I just hope, that Carnet will come back.

I tried this but didn’t work. It shows up in the Apps, but cannot be enabled, nor deleted.
Does it perhaps not support Nextcloud 19 yet?

Check your logfiles, perhaps something is not right or missing. Then you can report that to the developers. In the appinfo folder, the app is marked as compatible for NC 19.

If I clone it manually in apps/, should it go into apps/CarnetApp/CarnetNextcloud/ or just under apps/CarnetNextcloud?

I think it is just called Carnet… so it would be apps/Carnet

or perhaps all in lower case to match the id…

Thanks to everyone for the lively discussion. I understand enough that there should be a way to get Carnet back to a self-hosted NextCloud. For various reasons, I have chosen a hoster. This one had answered me:

“After some investigation, we noticed that carnet is not on Nextcloud marketplace any more and this is the reason why it fails (it can’t be found in repository).”

Thereupon I discovered that the “Downloads” at Carnet are empty. So I would like to take up my original question again. If Carnet would be available there again, should this be available for the self-hosted clouds as well as for the NextClouds at providers? So why is it out there? And (how) will it get back in there?