Can't upload files langer than 20 MB using Nextcloud Android App


I have problems with uploading “large” files (larger than 20 MB) using the Android app for some time now. I can upload files up to 2 GB via the iOS app and the browser but not via the Android App. Why? Can anyone help me with this?
Is there a way to set the chunksize and chunktimeout in the android app as a workaround?
@Andy do you have an idea?

Greetings, Niclas

You need to provide more information. There is a support template here on the forum that requests additional information for a reason. We can’t help you if you don’t give us what’s needed to help you. :slight_smile:

  • What version of Nextcloud Server? What version of the Android client?
  • What, precisely, happens when you upload larger files?
  • What appears in your Nextcloud log during these failed transactions?
  • Are you using a reverse proxy and/or something like CloudFlare?

Hi @jtr
Thanks for your reply!

What version of Nextcloud Server? 29.0.2
What version of the Android client? 3.29.0
What appears in your Nextcloud log during these failed transactions?
When I try to upload a file with 500 MB, the Nextcloud app uploads the file up to 7%. I tried to upload the file 5 times. Each time the upload stops at 7%. I see the following entry in the server log:

BadRequest Expected filesize of 40960000 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 30470144 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.

What I see is the error message of the Nextcloud app:

Are you using a reverse proxy and/or something like CloudFlare? I’m not using a reverse proxy. I’m hosting my instance on Strato.

Greetings, Niclas