Can't Specify Calendar Entry Before 1970

Nextcloud version (eg, 29.0.5): 27.1.9
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 24.04): Debian Bookworm
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): nginx 1.22.1
PHP version (eg, 8.3): 8.2.20

The issue you are facing:

I wanted to add a calendar entry for a family event which lies in the past (well before 1970), but I can’t set the date for the life of me.

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Y

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Open Calendar
  2. Click to add an event, try to specify a date before 2.1.1970.
  3. See all days greyed out, with no possibility to add the event.

I’ve checked the changelogs and also this project’s bug reports:

but could find nothing related.

What do you suggest, please?

Probably is has something to do with that here?

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