Can't install only office

I have installed the only office server in centos 6 by docker. And i believe i installed it right, because i can visit the only office server through https。here is successful result.image
2. and here is my nextcloud configuration
3. so what cause the error?

Did you add the external & internal URL of your OO server in the nextcloud config file as « trusted server » ?
It could help, see here : Nextcloud & Onlyoffice via Docker - can't connect on the same server

Also, try to check the checkbox under the first IP adress field on the OO setting page in Nextcloud

yeah, I take your playbook, but the error still remains.
i will show you all my configuration,ok?
<?php $CONFIG = array ( 'instanceid' => 'oc9rw2kusdgd', 'passwordsalt' => 'YnuL8oRvuft6QNfdy4wviWrNwFzOuQ', 'secret' => '9G15xsfzRG2jcafND5L7PorIzb5+KZjVrM1aI1W/w+zCyz/8', 'trusted_domains' => array ( 0 => '', 1 => preg_match('/cli/i',php_sapi_name())?'':$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], ), 'datadirectory' => '/www/wwwroot/', 'dbtype' => 'sqlite3', 'version' => '', 'overwrite.cli.url' => '', 'installed' => true, 'appstoreenabled' => true, 'appstoreurl' => '', 'app_install_overwrite' => array ( 0 => 'richdocuments', 1 => 'calendar', 2 => 'contacts', ), 'allow_local_remote_servers' => true, 'onlyoffice' => array ( 'verify_peer_off' => TRUE, ), 'jwt_header' => 'AuthorizationJwt', );
"type": "postgres", "dbHost": "localhost", "dbPort": "5432", "dbName": "onlyoffice", "dbUser": "onlyoffice", "dbPass": "onlyoffice" }, "token": { "enable": { "request": { "inbox": true, "outbox": true }, "browser": true }, "inbox": { "header": "Authorization" }, "outbox": { "header": "Authorization" } }, "secret": { "inbox": { "string": "secret" }, "outbox": { "string": "secret" }, "session": { "string": "secret" } } } }, "rabbitmq": { "url": "amqp://guest:guest@localhost" }
"maxRedeliveredCount": 2, "inputLimits": [ { "type": "docx;dotx;docm;dotm", "zip": { "uncompressed": "50MB", "template": "*.xml" } }, { "type": "xlsx;xltx;xlsm;xltm", "zip": { "uncompressed": "300MB", "template": "*.xml" } }, { "type": "pptx;ppsx;potx;pptm;ppsm;potm", "zip": { "uncompressed": "50MB", "template": "*.xml" } } ] } }, "FileStorage": { "host": "", "port": 4567, "directory": "", "silent": true }, "SpellChecker": { "server": { "port": 8080, "mode": "development" } } }
two problems exist in my machine.