Can't find

Hi, I’m running NC 19.03 in Ubuntu 18.04 within VirtualBox. Installed via Virtual Box Import Appliance, Nextcloud-VM-appliance.ova.

I went to upgrade NC and the /var/script folder doesn’t exist. I can’t locate the file anywhere. Am I missing something, or should I be upgrading NC via the UI?

Thanks for your help!

As there are some server issues I would suggest you to delay your upgrade to next week :wink:

Thanks. Any thoughts on why I don’t have a /var/script folder?

Hi @esub

You installed the wrong VM.

We provide two versions:

  1. Nextcloud GmbH - plain vanilla with nothing on it but Nextcloud. No extras at all.
  2. The original VM from Hansson IT which you can find here:

No. 2 in this post is the one you’re looking for. Hope it helps!