I cannot run Spreed.ME app on my server. I followed this guide and I got it running previously but this time it isn’t working. I tried it twice and still cannot find the error. This is why I am asking you.
I am running NC 10.0.2 on a RasPi3 with running nginx.
My header looks like this:
and Spreed.ME is not starting.
server.conf from /spreed-webrtc-master
nginx server config
Anyone an idea?
Kind regards
Could you provide the spreed-webrtc-server log? Was it successfully starting and recognizing some request from the spreed.me app?
yes, it is running:
pi@winter-pi:~ $ ps -e |grep spreed
3253 ? 00:00:00 spreed-webrtc-s
pi@winter-pi:~ $
Not sure where to find the logfile.
Anyhow, I guess it is more related to the nextcloud configuration and its implementation of Spreed.ME. As shown in the initial post, it looks like a session in a session once I try to start Spreed.ME app.
I found the solution. I had faulty nginx server config. Followed these steps and now it is working perfectly fine.
Beside: In your server.conf you could configure a log:
;logfile = /var/log/spreed-webrtc-server.log
For testing you could also start the server via terminal, where the log is shown then.