Cannot open Collabora

Hey Guys!

  • Nextcloud version: 11.0.1
  • Operating system and version: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
  • Nginx version: nginx/1.10.0
  • PHP version: 7
  • Is this the first time you’ve seen this error and can you replicate it?: No & Yes

The issue I am facing:

When trying to open up office documents (in this case an ods file) using collabora, it remains trying to “Connecting”. When checking out the log files of the docker image I see the following:

wsd-00025-0028 0:07:34.941601 [ client_ws_0004 ] WRN  SocketProcessor [client_ws_0004]: Connection closed.| common/IoUtil.cpp:100
wsd-00025-0028 49:30:56.859610 [ client_req_hdl ] WRN  WOPI host did not pass optional access_token_ttl| wsd/FileServer.cpp:255
wsd-00025-0028 49:31:03.318589 [ client_ws_0006 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HidePrintOption]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00025-0028 49:31:03.318858 [ client_ws_0006 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HideSaveOption]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00025-0028 49:31:03.318937 [ client_ws_0006 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HideExportOption]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00025-0028 49:31:03.319046 [ client_ws_0006 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [EnableOwnerTermination]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00025-0028 49:31:03.319166 [ client_ws_0006 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisablePrint]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00025-0028 49:31:03.319287 [ client_ws_0006 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisableExport]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00025-0028 49:31:03.319396 [ client_ws_0006 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisableCopy]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
kit-00248-12367 49:31:06.976694 [ lok_handler ] ERR  Failed to load: file:///user/docs/248/Testing%20Collabora.ods, error: loadComponentFromURL returned an empty reference| kit/Kit.cpp:1138
kit-00248-12367 49:31:06.985642 [ lok_handler ] ERR  Failed to get LoKitDocument instance.| kit/ChildSession.cpp:322
kit-00248-12367 49:31:06.986744 [ lok_handler ] SIG   Fatal signal received: SIGSEGV
Backtrace 248:
/usr/bin/loolforkit() [0x47879a]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7eff6e0928d0]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN12ChildSession21getPartPageRectanglesEPKci+0x7b) [0x41b30b]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN12ChildSession12_handleInputEPKci+0x7d1) [0x42b1c1]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN11LOOLSession11handleInputEPKci+0x43b) [0x46b29b]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN8Document14forwardToChildERKSsRKSt6vectorIcSaIcEE+0x47e) [0x44e91e]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN8Document3runEv+0x45a) [0x44f91a]
/usr/lib/ [0x7eff6f556159]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7eff6e08b0a4]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7eff6ddc062d]
wsd-00025-0028 49:31:07.341957 [ client_ws_0006 ] WRN  SocketProcessor [client_ws_0006]: Connection closed.| common/IoUtil.cpp:100

Any ideas on what the problem may be here?

Thanks Guys.