I had a simulary issue. I tried to reinstall Talk/spreed but faild very often. I want to share my full solution for anyone who stuck in the same situation as I did.
Please be warned that we will drop/delete all the Chats. Make sure to backup your chat’s/Database if you want to.
First I removed spreed:
sudo -u www-data php occ app:remove spreed
Then I cleaned the things in the Datebase (in my case mariadb) Thank goes to j-ed
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_talk_commands; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_talk_guests; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_talk_participants; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_talk_participants_org_20200403; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_talk_rooms; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_talk_signaling; DELETE FROM oc_migrations WHERE app='spreed'; DELETE FROM oc_preferences WHERE appid='spreed';
Then to make sure this error wont happen I executed some mariadb commands too:
set global innodb_large_prefix=on;set global innodb_file_format=Barracuda;
Then I made sure everything is working fine or will get fixed by:
sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:repair
While installing the app, the error promt out, but I could just enable spreed and it worked again (all Data is gone, of course)
sudo -u www-data php occ app:install spreed
sudo -u www-data php occ app:enable spreed