Cannot get a log in localy on the RaspberryPi with any suggested Standart Password

Hi peoples!
I’m loosing it with my NCP installation. I tried to Sync folders on my PC to the Nextcloud, but ran into the issue that big MP4 files are getting canceled for uploading. So i needed to somehow up the limit on MP4 files with PHP or something. I set a limit before at 300G, but that didnt seem to be the limit that needs to be changed for MP4. So i got on the nextcloud.local:4443 and changed the ‘‘PHP Threads’’ to 16G and the ‘‘Memory Limit’’ to 7G, cause it thought with Memory limit my RAM on the Raspberry is addressed by, I got a RP5 8G. After clicking confirm the Web UI closed on every Site. I cant access through any IP, SSH wasnt activated at the time, and the only way to access was from the Pi directly with HDMI and keyboard.

So it tried recommended log in data:

From the offical Documentation: User: pi and Password: raspberry NOT ACCEPTED

From other Sources that say newer NCP Versions got the Log in as: User: ncp and Password: ownyourbits ALSO, NOT ACCEPTED

I would cry of luck if anybody got any solution, so i can log in and then somehow reset the values so the Nextcloud eventually works again…:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

:jack_o_lantern: You tilt it.
No life left.
Start from scratch.

Maybe you never changed credentials after activation your instance, then your activation credentials are still valid and sure you did print out credentials.
If you changed them then you have them written down?
That are the only credential that should work nowadays.
Next setup you will activate ssh first, ok? :wink:

as you still seem to have access to your local bash you could try setting said values back to “normal” via an editor.

(or to restore your latest backup… ncp does backups regularly)

you only need to find out which files were changed with the new limitations and should be set back to the old ones. (I would need to look that up as well as you)

Thank you for your Answer! Yes, i couldn’t wait any longer, to get my own Nextcloud up and running, and i made an Instance for all dumb Ideas so i can test what i can change without killing the Instance. I think setting ‘‘PHP-Threads’’ to 16G, i didnt know what i really changed. I wanted to resolve a syncing error with big mp4 files. Eventually i found out that it was a missing command in the Config of the Nextcloud Desktop Client that was not allowing big files to get uplouded before timing out. Im new to all this stuff, but i am absolutely astonished what no less than amazing of a System an Open Source Team can develop!


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