I have installed Nextcloud and it works great. I will move from Pydio that I also had on the same server. Can I move the files direct to the nextrcloud from pydio without having to download tham first and then upload to Nextcloud. Its 11 GB and my upload speed is bad
There is a process to manually add files, then have nextcloud to scan those files to add them to the database:
Step 1:
copy/past teh files you want to add to the final location/folder/users you want to use. Can be made by whatever way you want, i parsonnaly used ftp.
occ has three commands for managing files in Nextcloud:
files:cleanup cleanup filecache
files:scan rescan filesystem
files:transfer-ownership All files and folders are moved to another
user - shares are moved as well.
Yes, you can.
When in Windows, create a WebDav link as a folder or as a network drive. Just copy the webdav link that shows up in the settings (click the settings icon in the bottom left of the browser window). Use this in the screen to create a netwok folder (right click on My Computer in the explorer).
After that you can just move or copy content to the nextcloud folders.
Hi there,
i also had to chown -R www-data:www-data <path/to/new/files>
in order for nextcloud to be able to access them correctly after the rescan.
Hi, I plan to do the same as topic author but I am a newbie in terms of RPi/Linux. My server works fine using cloudflare and ngnix. I would like to copy files directly to my NextCloud files location (HDD attached to RPi) instead of uploading them, and to be able to see them in WebGUI and later share them. I tried what you suggested, in putty used occ command
sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --all
I also tried
chown -R www-data:www-data <path/to/new/files> with my actual path of course
but new files are not shoiwing up in NextCloud WebGUI. Do you have any hints for me what else I should try? I am runninf RPi 4, OMV5, docker container iinstalation on external HDD. I would be grateful for any suggestions. Thanks.