Can I decrypt files with cli?

I would like to decrypt files (NextCloud 13) encrypted for a given user, from the CLI. The user asks the files are sent to another server, unencrypted and there are many gigabytes. I would like to do something like:

  • decrypt everything locally
  • rsync the decrypted file tree to the other server

Is there a way to do that?


Maybe this thread can help you :wink:

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occ encryption:decrypt-all [username]

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With Nextcloud 13.0.5 it unfortunately does not work

php -f occ encryption:decrypt-all test
Disable server side encryption... done.

You are about to start to decrypt all files stored in test's account.
It will depend on the encryption module and your setup if this is possible.
Depending on the number and size of your files this can take some time
Please make sure that no user access his files during this process!

Enable server side encryption... done.

I assume this is because encryption is an all-or-nothing option and cannot be fine tuned per-user?