Can Collectives be used as a Wiki for product documentation?

Hi again :slightly_smiling_face:
At our company we are looking to move our documentation to a wiki. We are considering Collectives but I was wondering about the reach of Collectives. Here are some questions I have:

  • Does Collectives has an option to import documents? This would save us a lot of time, since we have our product manuals in Word.

  • How flexible are the options to personalize. For example can I add a footnote to all our pages?

  • How good is the search function? I created some test pages and subpages in Collectives but it looks like the search function works only for pages and not sub-pages or key words.

Thanks in advance for you help!

Claudia Ricaldez

Hey @caricald,

Does Collectives has an option to import documents? This would save us a lot of time, since we have our product manuals in Word.

For now there’s no dedicated import function. But given that pages in Collectives are just markdown files, you could just save your documents as markdown files in Word. This seems to be possible with Word extensions. Attachments and embedded images will need to be migrated manually though.

How flexible are the options to personalize. For example can I add a footnote to all our pages?

You mean the customization of the layout? There’s not much options for that yet.

How good is the search function? I created some test pages and subpages in Collectives but it looks like the search function works only for pages and not sub-pages or key words.

Full-text search is available through the Nextcloud unified search, to be found behind the magnifier icon at the top right.

The page filter field at the top of the page list so far only filters pages by their title. There was a bug that this was limited to pages of the first hierarchy level that got fixed with the most recent Collectives release yesterday. And there’s work in progress to add full-text search to this page list filter, which most likely will become part of the next Collectives release: add content search to collectives by grnd-alt · Pull Request #1240 · nextcloud/collectives · GitHub

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Hi @mejo , thanks much for the quick and informative replies! I hope that more customization is also in the plan.

I would also like to see some customization of the landing page. Like taking “landing page” and “recent pages” out. :slight_smile: I find those distracting, the recent pages not as much once I found out I could collapse it and it stays collapsed, but it still kinda bothers my OCD for the top of my page to not be at the top of the page. :slight_smile: I could see recent pages being useful at times when I knew i had edited something but just couldn’t put my finger on it. Maybe a or page where all these type things could land?

I also agree that the import function could be huge for a lot of folks. Having to open every document and save it as a .md file, plus import attachments and images… WOOF…

No complaints here, just adding my vote. :slight_smile: