Calendar will not allow users to be added to an event

I am using an instance of netcloud hub II version 23.0.2 on a raspberry pi

when i set an event in the calendar i can invite other users to the event only by entering their email address if i try to enter their user name they are not found.

any suggestions

Are these e-mails associated to users in your Nextcloud? Do they have user accounts?

just had another look at what was happening and when i tried to add a user or a contact i was not getting any matches

eventually i noticed that i had the same email address for all of my users

( i am currently evaluating the system before gong live so had all of the emails going to the same address )

and this is the cause of my problem once one user is included into a calendar event then any other users with the same email address is excluded from the search filter. I also noticed that you can not add a user that dose not have an email address setup.

Confusing at first but when you think about it it is unlikely that multiple users will have the same email address and why would you invite a user who dose not have an email address so the email invite can not be sent.

Thanks for the help