Calendar ressource management, rooms created do not appear in calendar


On a snap version of Nextcloud 22.2.3, on a ubuntu server (Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS) I have created 2 rooms like:

| ID | Name                          | Address | Description | Wheelchair Accessible |
| 1  | Mairie de Rochefort sur Loire |         |             | no                    |
| ID | UID | Name             | Located in                                         | Email                       | Room Type | Contact Person | Capacity | Room Number | Phone | Video Conferencing | TV | Projector | Whiteboard | Wheelchair Accessible |
| 14 | 2   | bureau adjoints  | Mairie de Rochefort sur Loire, Salles de Rochefort | | room      | pierre         | 0        |             | no    | no                 | no | no        | no         | no                    |
| 9  | 1   | salle du conseil | Mairie de Rochefort sur Loire, Salles de Rochefort |  | 0         | pierre         | 0        |             | no    | no                 | no | no        | no         | no                    |
| ID | UID | Name | Located in | Contact Person | Type |
| ID | UID | Name | Located in | Email | Contact Person | Type | Make | Model | Electric | Range | Capacity |
| ID | Entity | Entity ID | Restricted To |

After several hours, the 2 rooms do not appear in the calendar

Here is my cron configuration :

What shoud I do ?


Do you know what type of database the snap installation uses? is it sqlite? mariadb? Either way connect to the database and inspect the table oc_jobs. There should be one row with class equal to OCA\DAV\BackgroundJob\UpdateCalendarResourcesRoomsBackgroundJob. Inspect last_run and last_checked columns. Those are unix timestamps. Please share them so we know if/when the job ran.


I got this :

mysql> select * from oc_jobs WHERE id = 4;
| id | class                                                           | argument | last_run   | last_checked | reserved_at | execution_duration |
|  4 | OCA\DAV\BackgroundJob\UpdateCalendarResourcesRoomsBackgroundJob | null     | 1638432513 |   1638433734 |           0 |                  1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So last_run 2/12/2021 at 8:08:33
So last_checked 2/12/2021 at 8:28:54

The jobs ran today.

Is that what you want to see ?


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Good. So the job ran. Could you check your data/nextcloud.log for any errors at 2/12/2021 at 8:08:33?


today it ran at 10:25. Here are the logs:


Unfortunately there is no indication of any error.

So if there is no error, and I don t get my 2 assets. This is a bug.
I go back to github to open it.


Thanks. Open a ticket in the server repo pleaes.

Which server repo do you mean ?
this one ?


It seeems Im not the only one