The Basics
- Nextcloud Server version (e.g., 29.x.x):
- 30.0.4
- Operating system and version (e.g., Ubuntu 24.04):
- ubuntu–vg-ubuntu–lv
- PHP version (e.g, 8.3):
- 8.3.13
- Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Yes / No):
- yes
- When did this problem seem to first start?
- after upgridign to 30.X
- Are you using CloudfIare, mod_security, or similar? (Yes / No)
- no
Summary of the issue you are facing:
bulkupload.enabled => true is not part of my config.php after upgrading several versions and cannot disabled on the GUI, which led “older” windows machine to totally freeze NC client and Windows Explorer.
The function should be disabled by basic settings.
Steps to replicate it (hint: details matter!):
- Install Nextcloud 30.X
- Try to upload +30k photos with an windows client on i3-7x or i5-8x or i7-12X machine
Log entries
I dont have log entries
Please provide the log entries from your Nextcloud log that are generated during the time of problem (via the Copy raw option from Administration settings->Logging screen or from your nextcloud.log
located in your data directory). Feel free to use a pastebin/gist service if necessary.
The output of occ config:list system
or similar is best, but, if not possible, the contents of your config.php
file from /path/to/nextcloud
is fine (make sure to remove any identifiable information!):
bulkupload.enabled => false
bulkupload.enabled => true"*
"* or no entry means bulkupload.enabled => true
Recently I’ve had the big honor to do another backup-job of my wifes absolutely out of control photo collection, over the years the where many snapshoots of travels and just family stuff.
I/we do run nextcloud on several Windows machines so I’ve grabbed on with USB 3.0 and connected an old USB drive to import all “missing” photos to nextcloud.
But after I’ve imported those Nextcloud Windows client and the Explorer of windows starts crashing and ther was absolutely no movement on the network connection (tracking via the Window Task Manager).
Even over night there was none movement from the client to my Nextcloud instance.
So I’ve tried another machine and an 3rd machine on different network connections and settings, but Nextcloud wouldn’t even upload even any data.
After trying many thing I’ve found this entry on the community which totally soveld my problem on any machine!
So I’ve come to the conclusion that after updating to several NC Version there was no
in my config.php so I had to write this entry by my own in my config.php with the option
bulkupload.enabled => false
After restarting my NC instance the Upload worked on all three tested machine like a charme an the Windows Explorer or NC client didn’t freeze or crashed anymore.
Best regards, Jan