Bug Hunters group created. Volunteer for testing and reporting breakage

An option we do have… is to create a release-testing group here on the forum, which users can opt into. We could give it a fun name like Bug Hunters. Anyone who wants to join will be auto-notified every time something new is in need of major testing and @bug-hunters is mentioned in a post.

Sound good?

edit: It is done. Anyone registered on the forum may now join /g/bug-hunters
Only users who have joined this group may mention it in their posts. You can also leave at any time.

Worth mentioning everyone joining this group is doing so to be helpful. Stay polite and be as helpful as possible. :100:


@just great idea! I was thinking about something similar but didn’t know how to process it.
So the biggest unanswered question is: Are the comments there only visible for members who have joined there? Or are they visible for everyone and everywhere? (I don’t have a 2nd account here to test it)

Moved to a new topic.

Internal group messaging is disabled. Current idea is that everything the group does is public.
Note, this is always possible for admins and mods of the forum :person_shrugging:

Precisely. All posting is as normal. Restrictions are:

  • Anyone logged into the forum may join or leave this group.
  • Only someone in the group (+admins and mods) may mention @bug-hunters when posting.
    • These mentions auto-notify everyone in the group.
  • Currently group members are tracking every topic in :gift: Releases category.
    • Tracking: Notified of new topics. A counter will show how many replies that topic has received since you last read it.
    • Let me know if there are any other categories or tags that group members should be monitoring or actively ignoring.

If you want this process to have a more private and discrete option, we can do that as well.

  • I’ve enabled group messaging. Will see if it helps with discretion, or we can turn that off.
  • #bug-hunters tag for the group to be tracking in addition to #releases category.