Automatic upload across devices results in duplicate files


I’m using the nextcloud IOS client to upload my photos automatically into the cloud. Maybe because of using IOS icloud for photos too, this results in two clients (iphone and ipad) uploading the same photo. That’s not my problem but this results in two different files with the same size and same content:

md5sum rene/files/Fotos/2017/08/17-08-02\ 08-24-04\ *

a1ef6cef2b9b968808dae9903f8ef5f7 rene/files/Fotos/2017/08/17-08-02 08-24-04 0593.jpg
a1ef6cef2b9b968808dae9903f8ef5f7 rene/files/Fotos/2017/08/17-08-02 08-24-04 4434.jpg

How is the postfix ‘0593’ and ‘4434’ generated? Maybe if this is the same, then the clien can recognize that this file is just uploaded…?

Best regards,

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