Automatic disconnection (log out)

Hi there,

How can I set up automatic log out for web session ?

Thansk in advance,

Have you tried the solution from Log out on idle time ?

Thanks but is there another way to set up log out time outside config.php ?

Have a look at this:

And wich is the best way “” or “Idle time” ?

If it’s the first one, where do i have tu put this script ?

Do you mean I’v to create the following directory : …/vm/blob/master/static/
and the the SH file in it ?

Just click “show original” download the RAW file and run it.

Thanks you

Hi, @enoch85 I’m very much interested in that cookielifetime shell file but it appears to have been removed.
Is there anything you can do to make it available again ?
Thanks in advance.


Edited the original post.