I am looking to have files uploaded to my nextcloud tagged automatically. I saw there is an app to do it but it tag in specific cases like file size, mimetype etc. In my case i need to unzip my file and check text sample inside to know what tag i put on my file. Do you have an idea how to do that ?
(It requires the php-lua extension, which is not provided by Ubuntu/Debian. You can use → php-module-builder ← for that.)
That app gives you the means to integrate lua code and can → tag files ←
It can be used with nextcloud flow. That means you can trigger every new added zipfile to be inspected for its content and depending on the result assign a tag.
The app only provides you with the frontend/interface. You have to write the Lua code (and possibly Bash, Perl or Python scripts to check the content) yourself. But this case is nothing particularly complicated.