The very valuable feature of Auto Upload doesn’t upload videos and only uploads photos in the selected folders.
Is there a way to set the NextCloud android app to upload everything within the selected folders?
It works for me for videos as well as for all WhatsApp files (Links, Photos, Voice Mails, Audio/Video Files etc)
Sometimes it needs a little bit and sometimes it waits until you switch to a lan connection, even though it is sett, to not rely on a LAN connection.
You can switch to the “Upload” tab of the settings in your android app where you can restart the upload of all files marked to be uploaded that have not yet been uploaded or failed.
Much luck,
Hi @ernolf
The other files (videos) are not pending upload. They’re simply not in the list.
I also copied a text file and a jpg into a synced folder and only the jpg was immediately uploaded, but the text file was ignored, so it’s clearly not a folder sync, but rather a photo sync.
BTW, I’m using version 3.26.0 (paid Play Store version) of the app.
I am getting the same issue. Photos are uploading fine, but videos are not. I’ve just realized that the past 2 months worth of video wasn’t uploaded.
Android users, try Les Pas. Media files auto backup is very stable.
Navigate to Settings > Automatic Upload, tap the three dots in the top right corner, and choose this option. Then, simply select the folder containing your precious videos, documents, and anything else you want automatically sent to your NextCloud.
Thanks. I didn’t remember that there was a separate setting/category for the same folder for Videos
I must be missing something. New NC user here. I am not able to find the “Navigate to Settings > Automatic Upload” part of this process.
I think I somehow got into a web app. I found it in the android app.
So it looks like you cannot auto upload videos if you configure a folder.
By default on android when you go to the auto upload settings in the app it shows two camera rolls but one has a video icon.
I think you have to use that one for your videos.
Im pretty sure this was not the case in the past.
I prefer to do the manual option which points to my dcim/camera folder in the main directory of my phone. As custom folders give you the option for excluding hidden files which is required if you don’t want your sync folder filled with random files (deleted or .trashed files)