Auto resize Foto Upload via Android/iOS App


ist there a possibility to auto resize fotos when uploading it to nextcloud?

With the [ Workflow external scripts app you are able to execute all kind of commands when uploading a file. It can be used to convert image files too, like discussed here:

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thanks, but the problem is the image upload:
if you take an picture on a cell phone the Foto size is ~8 MB or even more. So is there any possibility that the app resizes it before you upload the image?

Basically not possible, since the client “just” syncs data. Any conversion would happen after the upload on the server.
You could probably use an app to bulk resize your photos, move the resized photos into a new folder and have nextcloud app only sync the second folder, not the main gallery, where all photos end up by default.

thanks for the tip with workflow, that’s great

What about changing the settings in your camera app to save a lower resolution photo?