Apps with missing NC29 support

With ahead i mean the API for 30 should be fixed by now, so any developer can count on it’s contract it provides for apps. It would allow to prepare for future changes.

Another approach … look at the API’s of Linux, OpenVMS syscalls stable for 30+, 50+ years… while all functions it provides did radically change in that period, got extended, and ported across all kind of platforms. Those API’s are rigid yet allow changes & growth.

Imagine Linus Torvalds radically change the API every two releases with invalidating anything for over 3 versions ago… (those are the worlds i come from).

Ok… Issue with cms_pico seems to mostly be the use of ILogger,
according to PSR-3 ( PSR — Nextcloud latest Developer Manual latest documentation ) this is the intended interface…
Just not available in NC29, i might be reading it wrong, in that case there is abiguity.