i have a fresh Nextcloud v29 installation on a Docker Swarm environment, behind a Traefik v3 reverse proxy. The Authentikation goes through Authentik (OIDC Backend).
Actual only File, Calendar, Contacts and Cookbook used.
Everything working fine on this Point → Web UI, Sync over CalDav / CardDav with E-Mail-Client Evolution and DavX5 on Android (App Password), Login and Sharing of resources for different users, …
Except the Login with the official Nextcloud App on my Android Devices.
I can create in some Account a App Password and scan the QR Code with the App i installed but every time i get an “Wrong Username or Password” Error in the App
On the Nextcloud Docker Container i can´t see any error log regarding this login attempt
Have tried so many things in the last 3 Days but i can´t find out what the problem is.
Have anyone some hint for me what im missing? Some special Settings i only need for the App? Some configuration in Traefik? Other Ports or Protocols than 443/https?
What happens when you attempt a normal login flow? (i.e. don’t use the app password method). Do you have a “Login with Authentik” or whatever button on the Nextcloud login screen?
Since you didn’t post your config I’m making some assumptions. Which OpenID Connect integration app are you even using in Nextcloud?
the thing is when i don´t use the QR Code and only type in the Server Address i have the same behaviour. I don´t become the chance to type in the username and password or make a login on the default login mask.
I use the OpenID Connect user backend v5.0.3 for connection to authentik. And its configured that i don´t see the login screen from nextcloud → occ config:app:set --value=0 user_oidc allow_multiple_user_backends
Which config files would help you? I can upload it when i know which one are helpful.
I can not confirm. I see following if I access an instance with user_oidc-appallow_multiple_user_backends=0 for the first time and I could successfully login using my OIDC provider (I didn’t use QR code - entered my NC fqdn manually). at the moment I use keycloak but in the past I successfully tested most common OIDC systems e.g. authentik and zitadel
Troubleshooting is not very easy on mobile. I would start with a simple browser, maybe incognito mode - if login using IdP works the client should do as well - then start fresh killing all app data (reinstall the app) and this should be your first login experience.