App l10n for generating text, without Transifex translation

I’m trying to introduce internationalization in my new app starting from NC documentation.

Starting from the main directory myapp, I create l10n and l10n/.tx. Then I edit l10n/.tx/config:

host =
#lang_map = it_IT: it_CH, en_US: en_GB

file_filter = <lang>/myapp.po
source_file = templates/myapp.pot
source_lang = en
type = PO

I have not downloaded the source code of NextCloud. I work on Fedora 27 and for every test I deploy on Ubuntu VM. Thus I copied from NC GitHub in my l10n directory.
If I execute perl read myapp, I just see Mode: reading and nothing happen. But if I change the following line in

my @dirs = crawlPrograms( $place, 1 );


my @dirs = crawlPrograms( $place, 0 );

I see that all the files are scanned. But still nothing is generated. In templates/index.php I have for instance <?php print_unescaped($l->t('This is some text'));?>.

Where is the l10n/congig documented?

Why do you not want to use Transifex?
If your code is on github, just mention @MorrisJobke and he can set it up for you.

Because of different reasons. I’m just doing a test app and I don’t want to send indiscriminate texts to some server. The generation of texts should work also without Transifex, shouln’t it?



Hello, now I understand how the whole thing works. I do not think that it make any sense to the nextcloud project to do something for solving my problem. I’ll write my own script and, if I’ll be successful, upload the script here. In any case two tasks read and write are not enough. I need read, “update”, write:

  • read: as in NC, only with slightly different file tree navigation. it generate myapp.pot
  • “upload” will generate the .po files from the .pot file for a given set of languages (in NC this is defined by the presence of a directory for each language, probably the languages of Transifex, in my case I would prefer to manage the language set, maybe over .tx/config): goal is 1) not to delete any translation 2) add new texts 3) signal obsolete texts
  • write: as in NC (from .po files generate .js and .json files)

At the end of this Reply is my script (most of the code as in NextCloud script) to help for translation without Transifex.

One-time configuration:

  1. create a directory l10n in you project(application)
  2. create the script with the content as the script at the end of this reply
  3. create l10n.conf:

Every time that you change your project and you want to actualize the translations:

  1. go to the directory l10n
  2. run perl read (the file appname.pot is generated)
  3. run perl update (the files language.po are created/actualized)
  4. translate the language.po files (e.g. with gtranslator)
  5. run perl write (the files language.js and language.json are generated out of language.po)

The script

use strict;
use Locale::PO;
use Cwd;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Path;
use Config::Tiny;
use File::Spec;
use String::Util 'trim';

# Steps/Tasks:
# - read: loop on all files in .. and generate appname.pot
# - update:
#    - for all languages defined in config generate language.po out of
#      appname.pot (using the unix command `msgmerge`)
# - write: for all language.po generate .json and .js

sub crawlFiles{
	my( $dir ) = @_;
	my @found = ();

	opendir( DIR, $dir );
	my @files = readdir( DIR );
	closedir( DIR );
	@files = sort( @files );

	foreach my $i ( @files ){
		next if substr( $i, 0, 1 ) eq '.';
		next if $i eq 'l10n';

		if( -d $dir.'/'.$i ){
			push( @found, crawlFiles( $dir.'/'.$i ));
			push(@found,$dir.'/'.$i) if $i =~ /.*(?<!\.min)\.js$/ || $i =~ /\.php$/;

	return @found;

sub readIgnorelist{
	return () unless -e 'l10n/ignorelist';
	my %ignore = ();
		my $line = $_;
	return %ignore;

sub getPluralInfo {
	my( $info ) = @_;

	# get string
	$info =~ s/.*Plural-Forms: (.+)\\n.*/$1/;
	$info =~ s/^(.*)\\n.*/$1/g;

	return $info;

sub init() {
	# check xgettext has a version with JavaScript support

	# let's get the version from stdout of xgettext
	my $out = `xgettext --version`;
	# we assume the first line looks like this 'xgettext (GNU gettext-tools) 0.19.3'
	$out = substr $out, 29, index($out, "\n")-29;
	$out =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
	$out = "v" . $out;
	my $actual = version->parse($out);
	# 0.18.3 introduced JavaScript as a language option
	my $expected = version->parse('v0.18.3');
	if ($actual < $expected) {
		die( "Minimum expected version of xgettext is " . $expected . ". Detected: " . $actual );

init(); # check xgettext has a version with JavaScript support

my $task = shift( @ARGV );
my $place = '..';

die( "Usage: task\ntask: read, update, write\n" ) unless $task && $place;

# Our current position
my $whereami = cwd();
die( "Program must be executed in a l10n-folder called 'l10n'" ) unless $whereami =~ m/\/l10n$/;

# Where are i18n-files? list of all applications,
# only the actual application is considered
my @dirs = (Cwd::realpath(File::Spec->updir));

# Languages
my $Config = Config::Tiny->new;
$Config = Config::Tiny->read('l10n.conf', 'utf8');
my $languages_conf = $Config->{main}->{languages};
my @languages = map { trim($_) } split(',', $languages_conf);
print "Languages: "; foreach my $l (@languages) {	print "[$l]";	}	print "\n";
my $source_language = trim($Config->{main}->{source_language});

if( $task eq 'read' ){
	print "Mode: reading\n";
	foreach my $dir ( @dirs ){
		my @temp = split( /\//, $dir );
		my $app = pop( @temp );
		chdir( $dir );
		# parses the app info and creates
		# a dummy file specialAppInfoFakeDummyForL10nScript.php
		`php $whereami/../build/l10nParseAppInfo.php`;
		my @totranslate = crawlFiles('.');
		my %ignore = readIgnorelist();
		my $output = "${whereami}/$app.pot";
		`touch $output`;
		print "  Processing $app\n";
		foreach my $file ( @totranslate ){
			next if $ignore{$file};
			my $keywords = '';
			if( $file =~ /\.js$/ ){
				$keywords = '--keyword=t:2 --keyword=n:2,3';
				$keywords = '--keyword=t --keyword=n:1,2';
			my $language = ( $file =~ /\.js$/ ? 'Javascript' : 'PHP');
			my $joinexisting = ( -e $output ? '--join-existing' : '');
			print "    Reading $file\n";
			`xgettext --omit-header --output="$output" $joinexisting $keywords --language=$language "$file" --from-code=UTF-8`;
		rmtree( "specialAppInfoFakeDummyForL10nScript.php" );
		chdir( $whereami );
elsif( $task eq 'update' ){
	print "Mode: updating\n";
	foreach my $dir ( @dirs ){
		my @temp = split( /\//, $dir );
		my $app = pop( @temp );
		print "  Processing $app\n";
	  foreach my $language (@languages) {
			print "    Language [$language] ";
		  `touch $language.po` unless -e "$language.po";
		  `msgmerge -N --no-wrap -F --output-file=$language.po $language.po $app.pot`;
elsif( $task eq 'write' ){
	print "Mode: write\n";
	foreach my $dir ( @dirs ){
		my @temp = split( /\//, $dir );
		my $app = pop( @temp );
		chdir( $dir.'/l10n' );
		print "  Processing $app\n";
		foreach my $language ( @languages ){
			print "    Language: [$language] ";

			unless ($language ne $source_language) {
				print "original language doesn't need translation\n";

			my $input = "${whereami}/$language.po";
			unless (-e $input) {
				print "file $language.po not found\n";

			my $array = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray( $input );

			# Create array
			my @strings = ();
			my @js_strings = ();
			my $plurals;

			TRANSLATIONS: foreach my $string ( @{$array} ){
				if( $string->msgid() eq '""' ){
					# Translator information
					$plurals = getPluralInfo( $string->msgstr());
				elsif( defined( $string->msgstr_n() )){
					# plural translations
					my @variants = ();
					my $msgid = $string->msgid();
					$msgid =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
					my $msgid_plural = $string->msgid_plural();
					$msgid_plural =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
					my $identifier = "_" . $msgid."_::_".$msgid_plural . "_";

					foreach my $variant ( sort { $a <=> $b} keys( %{$string->msgstr_n()} )){
						next TRANSLATIONS if $string->msgstr_n()->{$variant} eq '""';
						push( @variants, $string->msgstr_n()->{$variant} );

					push( @strings, "\"$identifier\" => array(".join(",", @variants).")");
					push( @js_strings, "\"$identifier\" : [".join(",", @variants)."]");
					# singular translations
					next TRANSLATIONS if $string->msgstr() eq '""';
					push( @strings, $string->msgid()." => ".$string->msgstr());
					push( @js_strings, $string->msgid()." : ".$string->msgstr());
			print "strings: ", $#strings+1, $#strings == -1 ? ", skipped":"", "\n";
			next if $#strings == -1; # Skip empty files

			for (@strings) {

			# Write js file
			open( OUT, ">$language.js" );
			print OUT "OC.L10N.register(\n    \"$app\",\n    {\n    ";
			print OUT join( ",\n    ", @js_strings );
			print OUT "\n},\n\"$plurals\");\n";
			close( OUT );

			# Write json file
			open( OUT, ">$language.json" );
			print OUT "{ \"translations\": ";
			print OUT "{\n    ";
			print OUT join( ",\n    ", @js_strings );
			print OUT "\n},\"pluralForm\" :\"$plurals\"\n}";
			close( OUT );

		chdir( $whereami );
	print "unknown task!\n";