Analytics data using SQL query

Hello all,

We want to get data from SQL queries from a external database to display in our Analytics.
We manage to do it in Wordpress using wpdatatables but cant find a way to make it in Nextcloud?

Best Regards,

@Rello should be the one that knows the answer…!

@Spartachetto thanks for the hint

external SQL connector is not available (yet?) because it would be pretty challenging for different DB types. Also DBs are not accessible from extern.
It would be possible to develop an own datasource as an add-on to Analytics

Or put it as a feature request with a little background in github.

thank you for your feedback,


Awesome… Ill take a look into it.

Many thanks!

i put it on the roadmap. lets see if it will make it in the next 3.6 release

Awesome, looking forward to it, many thanks!

Is this relevant to wanting to run SQL queries against the Nextcloud database itself? I’m using the Forms app for data collection and building some stored procedures and views on the Nextcloud database. Would it be accessible through the Analytics app?