All users page loads all users - slow loading


I am having issues with loading users. When selecting users, the page by defualt loads all users. For some reason Nextcloud loads all created users which in my case is approx. 400. That operation takes too long and the response of the site is also slow.

When selecting any of the User groups, it loads correctly - load only first 20-30 users and upon scrolling it keeps loading the rest.

I would like to either fix the loading so when going to users section it load only few users or select a default view group.

Thank you.

Nextcloud version: 17.0.1
Operating system and version: Ubuntu 18.04
Apache or nginx version: Apache 2.4.29
PHP version: 7.2


same Issue here 403 users , all inside nextcloud no LDAP in use.
Loads Disabled user list multiple times (7x).

Operating system and version: CentOS 7-7.1908.0.el7
Apache: 2.4.6 (CentOS)
Maria DB Version: 5.5.64
PHP version: 7.1.33

My assumption is that the loading takes so long because it actually checks current quota usage and displays it. But I do not know how to turn this off.

@kesselb Thank you so much. This fixed the issue!