All users can view any deleted file regardless of rights given to subfolders

I have posted this as an issue in github but maybe someone here may be able to help or may have the same problem & this can stop a potentially very harmful situation for sensitive information.

We have group folders for each department in our organisation. Each group folder has the respective department user group added with write/share/delete rights in the Group Folder settings.
Then sub-folders under the group folders have differing advanced permissions starting with deny read for the whole group & then adding other permissions for those that need them.

The problem that we have found and it is a potentially very damaging one for sensitive information is, anyone that has any rights for the original group folder can view ANY file that has been deleted in ANY sub folder whether they have read rights or not in the deleted files.
Is there anyway to prevent this or am I using the advanced permissions incorrectly?

That could be a serious privacy-problem, also for us.
Could a (temporary) sollution be to change default sharing settings, so noone can delete files (besides admins i guess) and then disable the deleted files app? At least you won’t be throwing things out unintentianally?

Can you please add a link to github issue?

Related github issue:

That could be a serious privacy-problem, also for us.
Could a (temporary) sollution be to change default sharing settings, so noone can delete files (besides admins i guess) and then disable the deleted files app? At least you won’t be throwing things out unintentianally?

The problem is, we need to have delete active for our users’ normal files/folders outside group folders and our non admins need to be able to delete files within group folders.

Yesterday the bug was classified as a security bug. This gives hope that a developer will deal with the problem promptly.