AIO installation logic vs Nexcloud "classic" installation logic

Hi everyone.

all-in-one/compose.yaml at main · nextcloud/all-in-one · GitHub

I’m currently setting up an home server based on N100 mini pc with OpenMediaVault and docker-compose.
I played around successfully with a handful of container installation (jellyfin, Mariadb, Pydio, “normal” Nexcloud …),
Regarding Nexcloud itself i installed it a pair of time (the normal version) it worked fine and by playing with it, i found out that my needs would be probably easier to meet with the AIO version. So i wiped my server, reinstalled OMV and started trying installing AIO and unfortunately it proved very complex compared to its normal version.
I would say installing the normal version (through Compose) follows the classical logic of any container whereas AIO is very foreign.

Here is a list of things i can’t understand and could not find any explanation in the various ressources available:

1/ User:
I have a specific user to run my containers
- PUID=1000
- PGID=100

This doesn’t look possible with AIO or at least, every compose file examples i found on the internet are missing that, and it’s not mentioned in the Official AIO Github page

2/ Host folders
With the normal Nextcloud it’s very simple
- /Nextcloudconfig:/config ((local) shared folder I created to host config files)
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-cxxx/data/Nextclouddata:/data ((local,disk 2) shared folder I created to host data files)
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-cxxx/data/partage:/CommonFiles ((local,disk 2) existing shared folder usable thanks to the External Storage Nextcloud App)

In AIO: we have:
-1 NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=/mnt/ncdata # Allows to set the host directory for Nextcloud’s datadir.
–>I think that it matches with :/data in my example above
-2 NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT=/mnt/ # Allows the Nextcloud container to access the chosen directory on the host
–>I think that it matches with :/CommonFiles in my example above

But down at the bottom of AIO compose file we have:
volumes: # If you want to store the data on a different drive, see https://g
If I follow the link it seems more talking about the data file of docker than the data file of AIO … But not sure …

Could you please clarify my question about 1/User and tell me if my assumption for 2/ Host folders are right ?


Hi everyone.

I kind of figured out how to address my storage problem thanks to that post:

But i still can’t understand the User related topic:
If i’m not mistaken that post confirms that we cannot define UID/GID for AIO

Ok but in such case how does that work?
My point is since in OMV i have to share folders to be used by AIO especially the datafolder, how can share that folder if idk which user/group AIO will rely on ?

Thank you

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