Hi, my name is Mat.
I have installed the AIO latest via docker in my linux VM (ubuntu 22.04) .
I have configured an Nginx reverse proxy to the localhost:11000 port and I can access the instance from the Web via my subdomain: https://nc.mydomain.com
I have enable the Collabora container and I can edit files inside Nextcloud.
I’m not sure if there are additional security measures to prevent external access in AiO but you can try to use this URLs…
in general if you plan to use CODE from multiple system I would recommend using generic CODE container as it is is easier to setup and troubleshoot IMHO.
I think in general should the code container included in AIO also be able to be used on other contexts. Mainly the wopi-allowlist might prevent access but you can adjust this in the settings. The collabora domain do be used is simply https://your-nc-domain.com
Yes! Sorry about that, but I’m pretty sure I tried both of them with the same result. If I have the time, I will load another container with the AIO CODE and try again.
Thank you