Again well-known/caldav Problem


I’m using Raspberry with NC 14.0.4 and Apache2

  • Dein Web-Server ist nicht richtig eingerichtet um “/.well-known/caldav” aufzulösen. Weitere Informationen findest Du in der Dokumentation.
  • Dein Web-Server ist nicht richtig eingerichtet um “/.well-known/carddav” aufzulösen. Weitere Informationen findest Du in der Dokumentation.

I have this Links found in forum and read

Link 1
Link 2
Nextcloud Doc

My NC is located in /var/www/html/nextcloud

In the following files I have made changes to the above notes


a solution was not there

There seems to be many solutions for different Nextcloud Server installations.
It often makes sense to further specify the above warnings.

Thank you for your answers

So, what exactly is your problem?

On the other hand, NC has a fixed location/url for dav. Something like your.domain/remote.php/dav
Unfortunately, other applications love to visit well-known/caldav.
Obviously, they don’t match.
To fix it, we instruct the web server so that when it receive a request to visit well-known/caldav, it will bring it to remote.php/dav. Technically, this url translation is called rewrite. As there are more than one way to achive this, you see different solutions out there. Just stick with one will be fine.

Happy trying

and take a look if the apache modul rewrite is actve

Thanks for your hints. I keep trying.