After upgrade to 29.0.3 files tab does not show any files


After upgrading from version 29.0.2 to 29.0.3, one specific user encounters an issue where no files are displayed when clicking on the Files tab within the web interface.
Instead, it shows ‘Keine Dateien vorhanden’ (No files available), and the ‘+’ icon is grayed out with the message ‘Sie haben keine Berechtigung, hier Dateien hochzuladen oder zu erstellen’ (You do not have permission to upload or create files here).

However, when the user navigates to the ‘Recent’ menu option , all file syncs are visible and can be opened. The desktop client also allows the user to create new files.
Additionally, in the Photos tab, all images are loaded correctly, and the user is able to add new photos, which are then synced with the desktop app.

Do you have an idea, what the issue can be?

Commands such as are allready started, but does not find or fix something.
occ files:scan -v 2
occ files:scan-app-data

Best regards,

Does this user’s username contain any special characters or spaces?


No, just letters

does anyone have an idea, to solve the issue?
Which part is involved to show the files within the webinterface?

Open the Files tab. Bottom left - Files Settings → uncheck folder description

This worked on my system, don’t know what the problem is but I’ve been beating my head for weeks… Hope it works for you!


@sidewyz1 wow that works for me too. You are the Hero of the day.
Thank you.
I would never think of that Setting :upside_down_face:

This could be related to