After Update to NC 11: This directory is unavailable, please check

I did an update from 10.0.2 to 11.0.0 and get this message:

This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator

  • No more files accessible over Web-Login
  • DB etc. is working
  • File sync is working


And what do your logfiles say?

Cannot find anything strange in logflles.

Which logfile exactly do you mean?

First of all the nextcloud logfile, then perhaps the webserver logfile as well.

I second your problem.

After upgrading from Nextcloud 10 to 11 one user (of over 100) has this problem. Others, including myself, don’t have this problem.

Whats further interesting is that using a mobile app or Desktpp sync client the data is still there. Same for Filesystem access: Data there, no rights problems.

Since this is, sadly, our CEO, help is highly appreciated.

Kindest regards,


owncloud.log: The only recent error message is:

EDIT: Sorry, seems to be an additional log entry to this (same time, since yesterday):

Error core cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

Is this external storage? Did you configure caching (apcu, redis)?

I installed “ownCloud_www.techandme.se_PRODUCTION_16.04.vmx” with ownCloud a few month ago.
Redis is enabled, apcu I don’t know.

External storage in Admin-Page:

  • 3 x type “Local”, shared with all users

External storage in Personal-Page:

  • 1 x Amazon S3, shared with all users

Thanks, @tflidd, you made my day! :slight_smile:

User “Administrator”, member of groups “Admins” and “Music”:

  • Admin-Page: External Storage, type Local, folder /Music, shared with user “Music-Share”

User “Music-Share”:

  • Shared folder /Music with group “Music”

This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator

User “Administrator”, member of groups “Admins” and “Music”:

  • Admin-Page: External Storage, type Local, folder /Music, shared with group “Music”

Everything is working again! :smiley: :smiley: :+1:

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