After reinstall lighttpd cant reach cloud anymore

Hi all…

I’m supper new to Nextcloud and i have meet this beauty while installing ubuntu server 18.04, it was an option to install it while installing the server.

After installed, everything worked fine, i have created the admin account, installed the apk on my phone and passed some photos through it.

Everything fine till I had the need to install Vicidial, and i couldn’t find the lighttpd conf file, after searching around through google, i decide to install the lighttpd even i cant figure out how it was up on my ubuntu even not installed.

anyway, after installed the lighttpd through apt-get install, the Nextcloud cant be reached anymore from the browser. I know that the files and the config are here somewhere, but I cant figure it out where…

Can someone plz help to pass through this tunnel :(.

Thanks to all in advance.


Nextcloud version (eg, 20.0.5): Nextcloud 20.0.7
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 20.04): lighttpd/1.4.45 (ssl)
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): Nextcloud 20.0.7
PHP version (eg, 7.4): none

The issue you are facing:

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Yes

Are you serving Nextcloud via Lighttpd or do you have apache/nginx installed additionally?
Is the lighttpd instance running properly in general, what’s the output of sudo systemctl status lighttpd ?

And what exactly do you get while accessing it “does not work” is a bit insufficient. Error message? Blank page?

@kerberos thanks for the response… i managed it 3 min ago, to reactivate cloud again, uninstalling lighttpd.

But still can understand something, i have isntalled nextloud automaticly as i said, while installing ubuntu 18.04, the strange is that the cloud is runing through lighttpd while it is not installed as a service… is that possible ?

Nothing is impossible :slight_smile:
Use a tool like htop to identify if lighttpd is still having a running instance. Maybe it was launched by yourself earlier or a different process.

Almost all applications can be launched interactively, not only as a service.

@kerberos as per your experience, installing apache will affect cloud again ?

So then you are most likely using the Nextcloud Snap version.

yes is that, it has created a folder snap in root of my server

Having more than one web server requires that both are properly configured. But i do not see it necessary to get your problem fixed.

I am using Apache for Nextcloud and lighttpd for a different purpose on the same machine. As long as the ports are different, it works.

Well, Snap-Version, i didn’t think about that.

ok thanks for all :slight_smile: I appreciate :slight_smile: