Advice about nextcloud and nextcloud talk

Hi all,

I could use some advice, I used to use nextcloud a very very long time ago with the Nextcloudpi image.
I’ve since changed and changed again and now run several containers in docker behind a reverse proxy.
This is all Currently run on a rockpro64
These include :

Home assistant
Radicale cal-dav server
An xmpp server ( for video calls and chat)
A samba container to share files
Caddy reverse

I am considering returning to nextcloud to replace alot of the above apart from home assistant of course. The advice I could use is whether nextcloud talk can work as well as my current xmpp setup which I only use with one person for video calls and chat, it is Snikket for those interested.

Also I know nextcloud can replace samba and the cal-dav containers but will nextcloud work behind a reverse proxy like traefik ? Which I’m also considering switching to from caddy.

Finally , I’m thinking about switching to podman from docker but I’m not sure how well nextcloud will play with podman.

Any advice on these would be great.

Thanks in advance.

The only requirement for Talk in addition to HTTPS is port 3478 for STUN.

Well… depends on what you mean. Nextcloud doesn’t create SMB shares, but it can connect them or be hosted on the same system.

It’s known to work with both as well as Apache and nginx.

Yeah similar to the xmpp setup , I guess I would need to run a coturn server as well because I’ll will be using it away from home outside of the local network. What I should of said was how well does nextcloud talk perform, especially on video calls( and especially if I guess most of the time it will be routed through coturn ) , because the xmpp server preforms pretty well on this SBC.

Well… depends on what you mean. Nextcloud doesn’t create SMB shares, but it can connect them or be hosted on the same system.

Woops my fault again yeah I didn’t mean SMB shares, I meant that it could replace my SMB container because it can provide file transfer.

It’s known to work with both as well as Apache and nginx.

That’s great I couldn’t find too many guides about nextcloud running behind traefik .

Now I just need to find out how well it possibly work with podman .

Thanks for you advice

Apache and nginx are officially supported both to run it and as reverse proxy, but I’ve seen plenty of people around the forum using caddy or traefik. Seems like they’ve been known to work.

Sorry I don’t know anything about podman. I use docker.

Actually they do have some info about using traefik and caddy in the docs.

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Thanks for the link that’s really useful to know that the reverse proxy would break cal-dav without this edit. This is the sort of advice I love from forums.

I won’t lie I didn’t realise how far nextcloud documentation had come ( I guess it has been a longtime) it’s amazing! I’m looking through alot of it now.