Adding trusted Domains doesnt work

I’ve downloaded and installed Nextcloud 18.
On my Phone and my desktop Pc it works via Browser fine. On the phone the app works too. On Nautilus it works on desktop pc and laptops. But i just can’t get access on the laptop browsers. I’ve followed now this instruction HowTo: Add a new trusted domain and swapped with filezila my config.php.
I’ve added now the all versions of ‘mydomain. com’, ‘www.mydomain. com’,’ and ‘www.mydomain. com/nextcloud’ to the trusted domains.
It still doesnt work and i don’t know why

What browsers are you using on your laptop? Can you see any error messages in the nextcloud.log (Logging under admin account settings)

Edit: I’ve tried now Phone again and it doesn’t work anymore.

I am everywhere using Firefox.

There are plenty of errors. Mostly Unable to generate a URL for the named route “calendar.view.index” as such route does not exist. I believe that is not relevant for the problem.

Then i got some php errors:
Cannot declare class OCA\Talk\Migration\Version2000Date20170707093535, because the name is already in use at /home/www/nextcloud/apps/spreed/lib/Migration/Version2000Date20170707093535.php#127
Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 315857416 bytes) at /home/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Installer.php#278
OCP\Files\NotPermittedException: Could not create folder
Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: Unable to generate a URL for the named route “calendar.view.index” as such route does not exist.
A non-numeric value encountered at /home/www/nextcloud/apps/serverinfo/lib/OperatingSystems/DefaultOs.php#52
Undefined variable: result at /home/www/nextcloud/apps/serverinfo/lib/OperatingSystems/DefaultOs.php#173
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() at /home/www/nextcloud/apps/serverinfo/templates/settings-admin.php#101
Undefined variable: result at /home/www/nextcloud/apps/serverinfo/lib/OperatingSystems/DefaultOs.php#173
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() at /home/www/nextcloud/apps/serverinfo/lib/Os.php#155

and also some warnings that are in german

  • Derzeit wird als Datenbank SQLite verwendet. Bei größeren Installationen wird empfohlen, auf ein anderes Datenbank-Backend zu wechseln. Dies wird insbesondere bei der Benutzung des Desktop-Clients zur Synchronisierung empfohlen. Um zu einer anderen Datenbank zu migrieren, benutze bitte die Kommandozeile: ‘occ db:convert-type’, oder schaue in die Dokumentation :arrow_upper_right:.
  • Die PHP-Speichergrenze liegt unterhalb des empfohlenen Wertes von 512MB.
  • Der HTTP-Header “Strict-Transport-Security” ist nicht auf mindestens 15552000 Sekunden eingestellt. Für mehr Sicherheit wird das Aktivieren von HSTS empfohlen, wie es in den Sicherheitshinweisen erläutert ist.

But i can’t see any logs of errors at the time where i tried to get via browser on the laptops or the smartphone in my nextcloud

Please give us youre config file of youre installation.
What kind of error do you get, in youre browser?

Remove these: and www.mydomain. com/nextcloud. They are pointless.

The errors in English are not related to trusted domains, but to apps, which makes me wonder if the NC was installed correctly.

The german warnings are just saying to use something other than SQLite as DB, modify your php.ini to have a larger memory limit (>=512MB) and to enabled HSTS. These are not as important as fixing your other issues though and they are not related to them.

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