Adding multi select option to multi select menu in files.(nc28+)

Hi. We have an app that adds file action options to the file action menu in Files.
However, with the new Vue front end, I am having difficulties finding out how to add options to the multi-select menu.

Is there any documentation for how to do this somewhere that I have overlooked?
Or could anyone give me an example of how it is done?
Any help or tips would be appreciated, thanks.

I think there was a recent discussion about this in the forum. Have a look at the topics.

Thanks for quick reply.

I have successfully added fileActions for single file.
Selecting multiple files looks like it is another menu, but I am not shure if this is correct though.
I have looked here:

and here:

I can’t find any other topics regarding multi select specifically.
Could it be like this but with something more?

registerFileAction(new FileAction({
	id: 'id',
	displayName: () => ('name'),
	iconSvgInline: () => Logo,
	enabled: (files, view) => {
		return ('some code here')
	exec: (files, dir) => {
		'some code here'

Does this approach work “at all”? I mean does it affect the single file actions.

This looks a bit strrange to me (in pseudo-code):

I guess it should be a boolean, no?

Yes, it works. I just removed what we do have there.
I am asking how to add something to the multiple files menu.