Add external storage: unable to get local issuer certificate

I’m trying to add an external WebDAV storage on a NAS with self signed cert from Synology. I tried importing both the certificate and the chain with ./occ security:certificates:import but I still get:

"Sabre\\HTTP\\ClientException: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate"

I also imported CA root from cURL website.
And cert shows as imported:

./occ security:certificates
| File Name               | Common Name        | Organization     | Valid Until        | Issued By          |
| synology-com-catena.pem |       | Synology Inc.    | September 13, 2036 | Synology Inc. CA   |
| synology-com.pem        |       | Synology Inc.    | September 13, 2036 | Synology Inc. CA   |
| cacert.pem              | GlobalSign Root CA | GlobalSign nv-sa | January 28, 2028   | GlobalSign Root CA |

What cert should I import? Thanks

Did you solve this?

Unfortunately no, I can’t recall but I probably moved to a different method