Acesso ao nextcloud por ipv6

Boa noite!
Pessoal, estou tentando acessar o nextcloud por ipv6 e até agr não consegui fazer isso funcionar. Jå fiz alguns testes adicionando o ipv6 no config.php, mas, mesmo assim não funciona.
Se alguém puder me dar uma ajudinha, eu ficaria muito agradecido.

Can you share your webserver configuration, there you have to configure ipv6 as well. Can you share more about your setup and the configuration? Then we can perhaps spot where things go wrong (you can anonymize your data of course).

Sorry that I reply in English. In general, you are much more likely to get a response when you write in English, and for most of the people here, it’s not their native language (check out tools like, they work pretty well).