Access my nextcloud via tunnel intranet

I tried to answer this question on the cloudflare forum but no one helped me, so I’m going to ask here too so that if anyone has experienced this they can help me. I have a cloudflare tunnel that connects to my nextcloud which is installed on my server on the local network. I want to know if there is any way to configure my tunnel so that computers on the local network where the application is installed connect to the tunnel via the intranet and not via the internet, to increase speed. I’m new to this world, so any help is welcome, thanks!

to make the understanding simpler Cloudflare acts like traditional reverse proxy. and you can create your local access in a similar way. look for splitbraindns and local_network. The biggest challenge might be the TLS cert which is often hosted on cloudflare which makes impossible to acces the cloud locally using ppublic fqdn and TLS… in this case I would recommend adding another local reverseproxy which handles tls certificates inside of your network. Similar topic/architecture was discussed in Probably DNS help with NC Docker + Collabora + Wireguard tunnel - #5 by wwe

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