About the gluusso category

This is the app for the SSO/openID connector app for gluu - discuss!

Is it correct that this requires you to also install and run an OXD server that has a license cost of about $10 USD a month?

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Bump. Have same question.

The same question.

As far as I could understand - there are no ways to use OpenID Connect from Nextcloud without paying for OXS server license. I was able to find an old Owncloud app for this, however for now it is removed for some rerasons both from owncloud and nextcloud app repository and does not work anymore.

I’ve seen an old news article from March 2017 saying “Open ID SSO by Gluu: oxd is now integrated in Nextcloud”. However it seems to be incorrect - OXD is NOT integrated in Nextcloud. Nextcloud just has an app to connect to an OXD server hosting externally with a 0.33$/Day license.

So, there is NO free solution for OpenID Connect authentication for Nextcloud.