About the πŸ“¦ Appliances (Docker, Snappy, VM, NCP, AIO) category

This sub-category covers all questions related to the official appliances

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For the handling of snappy (location of files, updates, …), please visit the wiki-page on github:

Please add NextcloudPi above, along with a link to the Github repo.

Done. Added NextcloudPi.

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Does Nextcloud AIO (All in One; a Docker-container-based installation of Nextcloud that uses a single container, nextcloud/all-in-one, to manage installation and upgrades of the others) qualify as an appliance in this context?

#aio is already listed within appliances. Are you finding that not to be the case @pmocek?

Not here, it isn’t:

Ahh, added.

wwe: close old topics