A way to display more fields from rss feed?

I would like to be able to include more fields for an rss entry.

For instance:

rss xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:g-core="http://base.google.com/ns/1.0" xmlns:geo="http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#" version="2.0">
<title>Latest Kijiji ads. Location: Toronto (GTA). Category: null</title>
<description>Latest Kijiji ads. Location: Toronto (GTA). Category: null</description>
<copyright>(c) Kijiji Canada 2023</copyright>
<pubDate>Mon, 27 Mar 2023 12:01:20 GMT</pubDate>
<dc:rights>(c) Kijiji Canada 2023</dc:rights>
<atom:link href="https://www.kijiji.ca/rss-srp-gta-greater-toronto-area/l1700272?rb=true" type="application/rss+xml" rel="self"/>
<title>Latest Kijiji ads. Location: Toronto (GTA). Category: null</title>
<title>Vintage Kenmore Zigzag Patterns Heavy Duty Sewing Machine</title>
<description>t&#8217;s a vintage Kenmore Zigzag and built a in patterns heavy duty domestic sewing machine. You can sew Linen, Cotton, Velvet, Polyester, Denim, Canvas and Leather. Serviced spent $65. So it works as a ...</description>
<enclosure url="https://media.kijiji.ca/api/v1/ca-prod-fsbo-ads/images/1e/1ebc8e30-b978-43c5-bef4-0cf6ecda5d76?rule=kijijica-960-webp" length="14" type="image/jpeg"/>
<pubDate>Mon, 27 Mar 2023 12:01:10 GMT</pubDate>

Is there a way to get the value in the tag g-core:price displayed?

If not, I saw there was a plugin section for the news app. I didn’t find much about it but would it be possible (not too hard) to display more tags from a news plugin?

Also, I’ve found out that newsboat isn’t able to pull the feeds from nextcloud news (on nextcloud 25, haven’t tried on previous version). Is this a nextcloud or newsboat issue?


There is no way to display more fields in news.
The app only stores the entries that are required for the app, we don’t save the whole rss feed.

I think in theory it would be possible to do that with a plugin but I have to say we haven’t seen many active plugins over the years and you would need to update it every time news is updated or make sure it works.

My suggestion would be to build your own php script outside of nextcloud. With feed-io the library used by news it is quite easy to read feeds and extract any field you want, standard or not.

If newsboat is not able to pull the news it is probably a newsboat issue, check the logs of nextcloud after you try to pull and the newsboat logs if it has any.