I thought perhaps we can create a wiki-style thread where people can find and manage a list of hosters (since the the Nextcloud Providers github repo which used to contain this information has now been archived).
I’m up for it, though but as one of the many independent mini hosters who built a few offerings on top of the community edition myself, I don’t want to be the one to push this topic
So I’m a bit flip-flopping on this. Perhaps people go in here for the knowledge, and that’s why I love to be here and give back whatever I know to the community. But then if such a thread exists, happy to take part in that too.
It’s a shame that the Hosting Provider, who ultimately contributed to Nextcloud’s popularity, doesn’t seem to receive any recognition. The Hosting Provider list keeps moving to where no one wants to see it. From the website to Github and now in the forum. Thanks!
I also find it bad how the community, but also Nextcloud GmbH, deals with the list of paid but also free Nextcloud providers.
It’s no wonder that the Nextcloud software is not popular with normal users. Anyone who does not operate their Nextcloud themselves or has it operated by a provider (e.g. universities or schools) will never understand how software like Nextcloud works or that a provider is necessary for this.
In addition, on the Nextcloud homepage Try Nextcloud now could give the impression that you can get an account there. But there is only a 60-minute account for which you now also have to register. What does Nextcloud GmbH do with the data? But at least you can reuse the link you receive as often as you like for new 60-minute test accounts. But I think many potential Nextcloud users have already been put off at this point.
There is also Sign up , where you currently have a choice of two providers. It could give the impression that these two Nextcloud accounts represent the entire Nextcloud cloud for end users. Here too, the Nextcloud software has probably lost many potential users. There used to be more providers here. This probably only had negative effects for both Nextcloud GmbH and the providers.
It’s no wonder that Nextcloud doesn’t appeal to the mainstream. But apparently nobody is interested in advancing Nextcloud. What a pity.
For what it is worth, we recently tried Cloudamo, and they couldn’t get either OpenOffice integration or the video chat function in Talk working for us. On the OpenOffice, Support said it was a bug between OpenOffice and Nextcloud and we should wait for an upgrade to fix it. For the or the video chat function on Talk they said we would have to buy an additional server setup to run a TURN server, which we would have to set up and support.
To their credit, they have a 60-day guarantee, and were prompt with a refund.
Being one of the small hoster listed in initial post, I find it very strange you could not get a working NC with an Office Suite (we offer Collabora CODE by defauilt in all our instances and also paid version of Collabora for users ready to pay the extra).
For Voice it’s quite different as you need to setup a separate dedicated server and so far with our customers we don’t have demand for that so we don’t offer that service as most of the small hosters I think
That’s exactly why I thought it odd that we would be told to wait for the next version to have working document collaboration.
On the TURN Server, I knew that was a needed component for video chat, but Support not only said it wasn’t included, but that we would have to be self-supporting. It didn’t make sense for us to be self-supporting on a key component.
It may only be a case of left hand not knowing what was going on with right hand, and it may be a temporary issue, so I’m not slamming them. Just adding my experience to the information.