504 Gateway Time-out nginx before login


My Nextcloud was running smoothly until I startet to import a vcf addressbook with roughly 700 addresses (2434 KB). The process was veeeery slow. I closed the window at some point. Since then I am not able to logon anymore. I don´t even get the login page. Instead I get the “504 Gateway Time-out nginx” error.
I was able to login again shortly. I did not change anything. Now I get 504 error again.

Unfortuntely I don´t now the version of Nextcloud and PHP. Nexcloud did not show any update option when I was logged on last time, so I guess it is the latest version.
There seems to be a problem with the vcard version.
I don´t know, what it has to do with the login. Hopefully someone can help.


hi @Alex1 welcome back in the forum :handshake:

you are missing the required support template. Please fill this form out and edit into your post. This will give us the technical info and logs needed to help you in case the machine in question in spitting out errors! Since you’ve provided zero technical details it is impossible to help you as-is. Thanks.

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Hi, where do I find the technical info and logs? Sorry, but I am not a crack in these things.

Anyway, I tried it again today, and it works! I looks like Nextcloud was busy with importing the 700+ contacts for 24 hours…

Without more details on your installation it’s impossible to say, but given your symptoms I’m guessing your system is either very low on resources or not tuned properly. Without even knowing what you’re attempting to run Nextcloud on(hardware/platform, OS, installation method used for Nextcloud, etc.) there’s not much any of us can do for you.

I’m glad you got in, but I’m only mentioning this because your symptoms suggest you may have recurring issues again at some point. Might be good to be proactive about this.

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