In /var/log/daemon.log
I get the following error whenever I sync files with my Nextcloud Desktop app:
[Warning] Aborted connection 670 to db: 'nextcloud' user: 'ncadmin' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
Both my Desktop client and Mobile app reports that the server is returning a 503 Service Unavailable error. It keeps happening with every update and a reboot.
I have raised this already here. but I figured I’d get a quicker response here.
Clear opcache via Web Panel or run
sudo bash -c ‘source /usr/local/etc/ && clear_opcache’.
This did the trick when I got 503 errors.
Tried, still having issues.
I managed to fix it, I did clear the opcache again in the WebUI and then forced another ncp-update from the WebUI and it magically worked again. Thing is, it seems to happen frequently after a new update.
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That 's great that you fixed it. I noticed that if there is a php update that I ran into these 503 errors.
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