2fa totp stopped working on Nextcloud 12

Hi all, I was using 2fa totp without troubles but it start to fail at login.
When I try to login after typing my regular password I have this instead of second password request :

An error occurred.

Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.

If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.

Faithfully yours, nginx.

I looked at the Nextcloud’s log, and I have this :

"Could not load two-factor auth provider OCA\\TwoFactorBackupCodes\\Provider\\BackupCodesProvider\

To be able to login again, I have to enter this command line

sudo -u www-data php occ twofactorauth:disable $USER

I’m runing Nextcloud on Debian, with nginx, Nextcloud 12 is working, 2fa totp app is activated.

Any idea how can I use 2fa again ?

@ChristophWurst is this a bug? Should it be reported in the server-repo or the totp-repo?

I can give more informations or logs if needed, tell me if I need to open a bug report.

Yes, please report this as a bug in the Nextcloud server repository on GitHub and @mention me there. Thanks!

Done, thank you !