29.0.9 withdrawn from download servers

Due to a regression in the PDF viewer we had to pull NC 29.0.9 from the download server. Updates to this version are not proposed anymore (but to 30 instead). We will follow up with the regular 29.0.10 next week, along other maintenance releases. RC1s can be expected this Thursday.


I got caught , wont update so quickly next time. :wink:
Thanks for the updates.
Thought it was Geoblocker messing up , guess its not just pdf PDF viewer.

Pages don’t load (intermitent), Collabora office slow as hell, etc. etc.

A post was split to a new topic: Error 500 with version NC 30

Is it this issue?: Nextcloud 29.0.9: `files_pdfviewer-public.js` are missing and PDF documents can't be opened · Issue #1080 · nextcloud/files_pdfviewer · GitHub or is there more to it? If one doesnt mind not being able to open pdf until 29.0.10 is it fine to stay? Or should one update to nc30 even if ones organisation usually has a slower major version adaptation?

Yes, this one. Of course you can stay there until 29.0.10.

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I deactivated the PDF-viewer and could then open PDFs in NC Office.

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is that the reason, why i can’t open PDFs on my Samsung Galas S23 with nextcloud?

See my comment above. After I deactivated the PDF-viewer app the NC office took over and opened pdf files also in the phone.

This changed nothing for me. In the Browser on my desktop i can open pdf Documents with in without activated pdf viewer.

I don’t think the Android or iOS app has anything to do with the web version’s PDF viewer (or does it?). If I were you, I would create a separate thread and go through the issue template.

I’m on 29.0.9 and around the time this thread was started my Nextcloud ceased offering me an upgrade to 30.0.2 and now states my version is up to date. Is there another way to smoothly upgrade from 29.0.9 to 30.0.2?

I’m not in a real hurry though, I guess I could wait until 29.0.10 drops and see if the 30.x.x update availability returns.

There is 30.0.3 around the corner, the RC are out (30.0.3 RC2, 29.0.10 RC1 and 28.0.13 RC1), just wait for this and do your upgrade this weekend or next week.

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