25.0.0rc2, 24.0.6rc1, 23.0.10rc1

Did you check your errors and odd messages against those reported to the nextcloud server github repo?

Hey @Alexander_Robinson1 no im running
PHP 8.0.24 (cli) (built: Sep 29 2022 22:26:48) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.0.24, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v8.0.24, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

There’s an open issue on github [Bug]: NC 25 error when trying upgrade from beta 7 to RC1 with GUI · Issue #34201 · nextcloud/server · GitHub

so if anyone is having issues please make your updates there.

Apologies all, but I am rather confused by this:
a) I cannot find the value in the admin screen anywhere but of course I can run the code any I get:
Insert as “updater.secret”: something _really_long
The plaintext value is: something_else_really_long
b) I then edit the config/config.php file and overwrite update.secret with something_really_long
c) then restart apache2 and php8.1-fpm
d) do I then either
i] enter my password or something_different into web update screen
ii] restart the webupdate process, i.e. go back to the previous screen

also I cannot find any .step file

how do I best proceed ?

thank you

I use php8.1 and the server side encryption app has not been enabled

@John30k did yout try that : " Instead of clicking that button you can now invoke the command line based updater by going into the updater/ directory in the Nextcloud directory and executing the updater.phar as the web server user. (i.e. sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar)"
from Upgrade via built-in updater — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

works fine for me.

yip thanks, I tried that about 30 minutes ago :grinning:

@thierry1 - thanks! The manual update command worked for me.

FYI: Maintenance releases 24.0.6 and 23.0.10 are out, plus Hub 3 RC3!

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Didn’t work for me. I get the message

root@box:~# sudo -u www-data php /opt/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar
Nextcloud Updater - version: v25.0.0beta3-17-gef6cf2d

Could not find config.php. Is this file in the "updater" subfolder of Nextcloud?

The Nextcloud instance I use for testing was installed by the Mailcow Helper script Nextcloud - mailcow: dockerized documentation

When you watch the output closely you spot:

Could not find config.php. Is this file in the "updater" subfolder of Nextcloud?

=> run it from within your nextcloud root directory, otherwise the updater will not know where to find your config.php.

I tried running it from the Nextcloud root folder, but I git the same message, could not find config.php Maybe there is something special with Mailcow’s Nextcloud installation?

You are using php8.1-fpm. Are you certain 8.1 is not the culprit? As others has stated here, they see same behavior when running php8.1

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