I’m pretty confident you need need only one backslash (or maybe not at all). I inject the variable using .env file so I can’t for sure what is the right format using plain docker-compose file. Most likely you pick up the recommendation to escape dots form docker (without compose) tutorials… maybe you can double check using docker inspect
`. I see following block in my working installation (at least with NC22.2+collabora/code:
"Env": [
"dictionaries=de_DE en_US es_ES ru",
"extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false --o:ssl.termination=true --o:user_interface.mode=classic --o:logging.level=warning --o:net.proto=IPv4",
sounds weird for me as well - you don’t need to pass any credencials… take a look at this post, there is pretty good description f my setup: Docker Compose for Nextcloud + Collabora + Traefik? - #2 by wwe