Where Are My Calendars?

CALDAV issue: Calendars can only be fetched after the user logs in to the Nextcloud interface and opens the calendar page at least once
After the update to Version 28.0.1 / Version 28.0.0 (21-2023 / 12-2023), a CALDAV issue arose.
both methods :

const client = await createDAVClient({
      serverUrl: nextcloudBaseUrl,
      credentials: {
        username: dataEventNextCloud.email,
        password: dataEventNextCloud.password,
      authMethod: 'Basic',
      defaultAccountType: 'caldav',
    const calendars = await client.fetchCalendars();


    const client = new DAVClient({
      serverUrl: nextcloudBaseUrl,
      credentials: {
        username: dataEventNextCloud.email,
        password: dataEventNextCloud.password,
      authMethod: 'Basic',
      defaultAccountType: 'caldav',
    await client.login();
    const calendars = await client.fetchCalendars();

-before logging in in the nexcloud interface and oppening the calendar page :
returns the client successfully , but returns calendars as empty array !

-after logging in in the nexcloud interface and oppening the calendar page :
returns both client and calendars as expected

(I am working on the specific “personal” calendar , so i tried to create it before fetching calendars but i get this error message: "The resource you tried to create already exists’ . So apparently it exists in the nextcloud db but it’s not accessible)
what should I do ? Are there some config params that could help please ?

Duplicate of Where Are My Calendars ?!
Please close one, perhaps this one.

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